Saturday, October 28, 2006
silent tears
Amidst all this madness and fun and organised chaos of art and life a little bit of my private world crumbled yesterday for my dear, dear friend Marty and I was forced to stop and breathe for a bit.
Marty's dad passed away yesterday morning. He had been very unwell and so for this reason it was a little bit expected for Marty and his mum but regardless of how sick, how old, how young or how sudden it doesn't stop the fact that Marty doesn't have a dad any more.
I remember these next days. Something akin to a vaccum or vortex. Everything in slow motion while faces and tears and phonecalls and plans and funeral directors and flowers and food and music and conversations all float past. Somehow your magical body does the work for you while you just keep breathing.... just breathe Marty and at the other end, when the funeral day is over, you'll sleep and that's when you'll need us. When you do my beautiful friend, we'll all be here waiting to catch you.